Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Standings After Week 4

Warriors - 213
Cruisers - 192

*Two of the Warriors, Micheal Bowman and Joe Dean, hold sole possession of 1st and 2nd place, respectively.
** Ivy and N. Mark are currently in a tie with 4 other players for 3rd.
*** While Couey still holds the honors for dead last, Dunbar is giving him a run for his money. :-)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Week Four....Ouch

I've got West Side at 40 points and Weaver at 36. Both teams are split down the middle for tonight's game. So it looks like West Side will widen its gap by four points.

This week sucked. The fact that 8 or 9 points will win the kitty this week shows how fickle the football Gods can be. At least I'll be able to root for Big Brown or D-Zay tonight. At this point I'd like to keep all the pool's money in the Carolina's. Fuck those California kids.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Week 4 Prediction

I predict that the West Side will widen our points gap even further with a 61-58 Week 4 win over the Cruisers. I also predict that Cou will be among our top 3 performers. But, I also predicted last Friday that my Washington Mutual stock would eventually rebound. I woke up this morning to some sobering news. Ouch.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Standings After Week 3

Warriors - 170
Cruisers - 153

*Five of the Warriors are currently among the top 8 players in the league.
**Ivy is the only Cruiser in the top 8.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Layin' The Smack Down On W-Vegas

Going into Monday night's game, the Warriors have accumulated 54 points in Week 3. The Cruisers have only been able to muster 48.

If San Diego wins tonight, we will win the week 59-52. And that's with Cou's big 6 correct. Ouch. If the Jets win, we will take a 55-50 victory. San Diego is good, pissed off, and would rather suck turds than go 0-3. We'll take that 59-52 win.

That points gap is getting about as big as a Gamma Phi va-j-j after a KDR party circa 1998.

Good luck, gentlemen.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dallas or Green Bay, week 3

What do you guys think? I'm having trouble deciding. I was hoping to get a little input

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Current Standings:

After Week 2

Warriors - 111
Cruisers - 101

Thursday, September 11, 2008

First order of business ... The Bet:

Weavervegas Cruisers - (Ivy, Jimmy, Weber, Dunbar, Casey & Wasim) vs. West Side Warriors - (Sparkles, Joe Dean, N Mark, Couey along with new members Josh & Michael)

Objective: The team with the most overall points in Walker's Pick 'Em pool is the winner.

The bet is, as most of you know, a two-part bet.

1) The losing team has to buy beer for the winning team for a Super Bowl XLIII party to be held on the evening of February 1, 2009.

2) Members of the losing team must serve beer/other beverages/snacks to the members of the winning team upon demand. The winning team's members need not leave their seats other than to pee, crap or smoke.

If anybody has any comments on this, please post them here.

*Also, there is a proposal I would like to make. Please give me your input on this as well.

I would like to host the party at my house. It might be a little inconvenient for some of the Asheville crowd, but it is a closer drive for Casey and Jimmy as Ivy has mentioned. Also, I have the 8-foot screen to view the game on and plenty of seating (some seating has been added since most of you were there last.) If we do the party at my place, I would like to keep the number of people around 20 give or take a couple which should accommodate all team members and a guest. Also, I would like to do cases instead of a keg so we don't have to lug it up the stairs. I have already OK'd this with Rebecca. We need to get ideas for a location and put it to a vote. I am OK with doing the party in Asheville, but I just thought I would throw that out there. If it is in Asheville, we will have to replace one team member (Michael) because he has to be at work at 4:30 a.m. the next morning and can't make the trip up. But he has said he is OK with being replaced if need be.

Let's get this straightened out ASAP!!

- Chris